

As one of the most popular and competitive games in the world, League of Legends (LoL) has attracted a large number of talented players from different parts of the globe. Among them, some players stand out not only for their impressive skills but also for their distinct personalities and horoscope signs. In this article, we will rank the top 5 LoL players according to the water sign of their horoscopes: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

5. Alfonso "Mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez - Pisces (February 22 - March 21)

Mithy is a professional LoL player from Spain who currently plays as a support for the team Fnatic. As a Pisces, he is known for his creativity, intuition, and emotional sensitivity, which are all valuable traits in LoL. Mithy has participated in numerous international tournaments and won several titles, including the 2017 EU LCS Spring Split and the 2019 LEC Summer Split.

4. Zheng "Lwx" Xingjian - Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Lwx is a Chinese AD carry player who represents the team FunPlus Phoenix. Born under the sign of Cancer, he is a caring, compassionate, and sentimental player who always puts his team first. Lwx has become one of the best snipers in the world, with a remarkable accuracy and damage output that can turn the tide of any game. He won the 2019 League of Legends World Championship with FunPlus Phoenix and was named the tournament's MVP.

3. Han "Peanut" Wang-ho - Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Peanut is a Korean jungler who has played for various teams, including SK Telecom T1, Longzhu Gaming, and KT Rolster. As a Scorpio, he is known for his passion, ambition, and resourcefulness, which are all essential qualities for a successful LoL player. Peanut has won multiple LCK titles, the 2017 Mid-Season Invitationa【白桃星座】l, and the 2019 Rift Rivals LCK-LPL-LMS-VCS.

2. Ming "Clearlove" Kai - Scorpio (November 8 - November 16)

Clearlove is a retired Chinese jungler who is considered one of the greatest players in LoL history. Born under the sign of Scorpio, he was known for his strategic thinking, leadership, and adaptability, which helped him win numerous titles and accolades throughout his career. Clearlove won seven LPL titles, the 2014 and 2015 Demacia Cups, and the 2019 Tencent Global Esports Summit.

1. Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok - Scorpio (May 7 - May 19)

Faker is a Korean mid laner who is widely regarded as the best LoL player of all time. Born under the sign of Scorpio, he is an intense, driven, and fiercely competitive player who dominates the game with his exceptional mechanics, game sense, and decision-making. Faker has won three World Championships, eight LCK titles, and multiple MVP awards, and has been inducted into the Esports Hall of Fame.

In conclusion, water sign players in LoL have proven to be some of the most skilled and successful players in the game, with their unique personality traits and horoscopes contributing to their playstyles and successes. Whether you are a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, you can draw inspiration from these players and strive to improve your own gaming abilities.

标签:# 选手# 英雄# 联盟# 水瓶座# 工资

