


王者荣耀 (Wáng zhě róng yào, Honor of Kings) is one of the most popular mobile games in China, with millions of players all over the world. In the game, there are 101 different heroes to choose from, and each has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. In this article, we will explore the heroes of the game who are born under the sign of Virgo - one of the twelve zodiac signs.

Virgo Heroes of Honor of Kings

1. Zilong (紫龙, Purple Dragon)

Zilong is a powerful hero with a martial arts style of play. He has excellent physical damage and mobility, making him an excellent choice for those who like to get up close and personal. He is also very good at chasing down enemies and escaping from danger. Zilong is born on September 11, which makes him a Virgo.

2. Xingqiu (行秋, Autumn Rain)

Xingqiu is a water-element hero who specializes in crowd control and damage mitigation. He is a versatile hero who can do well in both offensive and defensive roles. His abilities can slow down enemies and increase his allies' defenses. Xingqiu is born on September 13, making him a Virgo.

3. Zhuge Liang (诸葛亮, Advisor Zhuge)

Zhuge Liang is a unique support hero who has a wide range of abilities. He can summon turrets, heal allies, and create shields. He is also very good at dealing magic damage to enemies. If you want to play a hero who can do it all, Zhuge Liang is a great choice. He is born on August 20, which makes him a Virgo.

4. Chang'e (嫦娥, Moon Goddess)

Chang'e is a mage who can deal a lot of magic damage to enemies. She is also very good at sustaining herself and dealing with crowd control. Her ultimate ability can stun all enemies in a large area, making her a great addition to any team. Chang'e is born on September 3, making her a Virgo.

5. H【凌冠星座】ouyi (后羿, Archer Houyi)

Houyi is an archer hero who can deal a lot of physical damage from long distances. He is also very good at kiting enemies and avoiding danger. His ultimate ability can deal a lot of area-of-effect damage, making him great for team fights. Houyi is born on September 17, making him a Virgo.


In summary, Virgo heroes in Honor of Kings are versatile, powerful, and have unique abilities that make them stand out from the crowd. These five heroes are just a few examples of what you can expect when playing with a Virgo hero. If you're looking for a hero who can do it all, consider selecting one of these Virgo heroes in your next game of Honor of Kings.

标签:# 荣耀# 处女座# 王者# 百科# 皮肤

