

My Mom, Also a Capricorn

Growing up, I always knew my mom was different from other moms. She was serious, practical, and disciplined, as if she had a to-do list for every moment of the day. She rarely showed her emotions or indulged in frivolous activities. She was not the type to bake cookies, braid hair, or play dress-up with me. Instead, she taught me how to budget, cook, and clean, how to be responsible and self-sufficient. Sometimes I resented her for being so strict and demanding, but as I grew older, I realized how much she had given me and how much I had learned from her.

As it turned out, my mom and I shared more than just a mother-daughter bond. We also shared a zodiac sign: Capricorn. Capricorns are characterized as ambitious, practical, and disciplined, just like my mom. They are known for their work ethic, perseverance, and attention to detail. They are not easily swayed by emotions or impulses, but they are loyal and dependable friends and family members. They value tradition, stability, and security, and they strive for success and recognition in their chosen field.

My mom embodied all these traits and more. She had a successful career as a manager in a corporate company, where she worked long hours and traveled frequently. She was respected by her colleagues and clients for her competence and professionalism. She was also a devoted wife and mother, who always put her family's needs before her own. She made sure we had everything we needed and more, even if it meant sacrificing her own leisure time or resources.

But my mom was not just a machine of productivity and duty. She had her own dreams and passions, too. She loved music, literature, and nature. She played the piano and the flute, and she often sang while doing chores around the house. She read books voraciously and wrote poems and essays in her spare time. She also enjoyed hiking, gardening, and bird watching, which she did with a meticulous eye for detail and a sense of wonder.

I used to think my mom was too serious and stern, but now I see that she was also deep and complex, with ma【更多相关资讯请访问wWW.77788829.CoM>29星座】ny layers of personality and emotions. She had a dry sense of humor and a sharp wit, which she expressed in subtle ways. She had a tender heart that she guarded fiercely, but which she revealed in moments of shared intimacy or joy. She had a sense of justice and fairness that she instilled in me, and for which I am grateful.

My mom passed away a few years ago, but her memory and legacy live on in me and in those who knew her. She was more than just a Capricorn or a mom; she was a person with her own story, her own struggles, and her own beauty. I learned from her not only how to be responsible and disciplined, but also how to be curious, creative, and compassionate. She taught me the value of hard work, but also the importance of taking time to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. She showed me that even the most reserved and serious person can have a rich and meaningful inner life, full of passion and joy.

I miss my mom every day, but I also feel blessed to have had her as my mom and my Capricorn sister. She was not perfect, but she was perfect for me. She taught me how to be a responsible and loving person, and how to embrace my own Capricorn traits without fear or shame. She showed me that being a Capricorn is not a curse or a burden, but a gift and a privilege. I hope I can honor her memory by being the best Capricorn I can be, and by sharing her wisdom and love with those around me.

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